"Doctors Express hopes to franchise urgent care in U.S., doing for urgent health care what, say, Papa John's did for pizza — making sure the public can find it anywhere and always knows what it's going to get."
The chief medical officer Dr. Scott Burger (as in "Burger King"), who likes to be called Dr. Scott, is hoping to open 3,000 centers around the country, "so when people think of where they need to go for their health care needs, the first thing they think. .. is 'Where's the Doctors Express?'
"And unlike most other [medical] centers, many Doctors Express franchises can be owned by corporate managers who don't have a medical background. The company says it will guide them in everything from what credentials to look for when hiring staff to how to pick the best location."
Doctors Express hopes to franchise urgent care in U.S. USA Today.
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