- Older adults less likely to develop dementia if they regularly consumed fish. "The more fish you eat, the less likely you are to get dementia. Exactly the opposite is true for meat." http://bit.ly/17zxbV
- Curcumin, the main ingredient in the curry spice turmeric, is a naturally occurring antioxidant known as a polyphenol. Curcumin, Ingredient in Curry Spice, May Reduce Fatty Deposits in Arteries (in Mice) http://bit.ly/2yrnz -- Nuclear factor-kappa B links carcinogenic and chemopreventive agents. http://bit.ly/5U3g9
- University of Michigan Health System: Apologizing for errors halves malpractice suits http://bit.ly/7EO97
- Prevalence of DVT in pregnancy is 8.8%. Three variables (LEFt) predict DVT in pregnancy (LLE sx, calf circumference difference ≥2 cm, first trimester) http://bit.ly/ztZjT
- Study: "40% of doctors had "negative reaction" to obese patients, felt treating obese patients was "very frustrating" http://bit.ly/YQzHf
- Elsevier announces the ‘Article of the Future’ http://bit.ly/ddU6s and responses: http://bit.ly/6jjuW
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