Well I'm late in posting again but I'm back from camp and when I got back there was a large pile of mail for me to go through! Yippee!! I also had two more come in since I got back from camp.
As usual, I'll list them and a little info on them below and then book covers and a chance to purchase them at amazon will be below that. Thanks for visiting.
Check out what others received this past week at The Printed Page.
Tell Me a Story 3: Women of Wonder by Amy Friedman (Audio Book) - I was contacted directly by the author. I don't normally do audio books but this is a children's audio book and the subject matter (legendary heroines and goddesses) appealed to me so I thought I'd try it.
Kidding Around The Kitchen: A Family Cookbook by Lisa Elaina - through Alison of AJG Public Relations and Communications. It's a spiral bound book with some fun recipes (doesn't seem to be available at amazon)
Your Family Constitution: A Modern Approach to Family Values and Household Structure by Scott Gale - This one is through Bostick Communications and looks pretty good. It says it's a guide for: reconnecting with your kids, anticipating and resolving common family issues, enhancing family communication and enjoying parenting to the fullest.
Runaway Devil by Robert Remington - from Random House, it's a true crime story about what happened to Marc and Debra and their son Jacob in Medicine Hat, Alberta on April 23, 2006 and how their daughter JR came to commit the crime.
No Kids: 40 Good Reasons Not To Have Children by Corinne Maier - from McClelland & Stewart. I have two kids, my husband has three and we'd like to have another one in the next few years. One of my uncles does not have children however and I've always wondered what it would be like to not have kids. I said yes to this book because I was curious what their reasons were.
Those were all the review books, however I also won the Hachette Dads and Grads contest at Book Dads. Here's what I won:
The Man's Book by Thomas Fink (another copy, I already have one to review, I'll pass this on to someone)
Lincoln on Leadership by Donald T. Phillips (Executive Strategies for Tough Times)
An Honorable German: A Novel of World War II by Charles McCain
Boneman's Daughters by Ted Dekker (thriller)
The Richest Man in Town: The Twelve Commandements of Wealth by W. Randall Jones
The Nine Lessons by Kevin Alan Milne (novel of love, fatherhood and second chances)
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell (has everyone else read this??)
Do-Over! by Robin Hemley (in which a 48 year old father of three returns to kindergarten, summer camp, the prom and other embarassments)
Although most of these are aimed at guys, I plan on reading all but the Honorable German one and possible Lincoln one although my husband may read those. I will be sure to share with a bunch of guys when I'm done LOL.