- Dental diseases could become increasingly regarded as the early marker of adverse lifestyle choices http://bit.ly/2PtkJ
- "No differences in risk of heart attack, stroke, or death between people who reached BP of 140/90 & those with 135/85" http://bit.ly/1AzQGa
- Patient Voices: Kidney Disease http://bit.ly/4Bc6SJ -- Patient Voices: Psoriasis http://bit.ly/KSJXA
- CNN video: Lance Armstrong opens up about critics and what it feels like to not win the Tour de France. http://bit.ly/13MLpy
- "Are Americans healthier than other nations?" http://bit.ly/4WkTk
- "The Dog-Eat-Dog World of Applying to Med School" - NY Times http://bit.ly/u41s8
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