- Effects of Pay for Performance on the Quality of Primary Care in England: initial gain, then slowing, even decline http://bit.ly/lTpJd
- Countries with "opt-out" approach have organ-donation rates above 90%, whereas opt-in countries have rates of 5 to 15% http://bit.ly/oxaGs
- Replicating Cleveland Clinic's Success Nationwide May Pose Major Challenges - WSJ http://bit.ly/19wpd5
- The FDA today warned Americans not to use electronic cigarettes http://bit.ly/jR8ON
- Study: Guided tissue regeneration, or GTR works for receding gums http://bit.ly/gHZY4
- Nature Editorial on hyping research: "Reporting of scientific research is sometimes exaggerated or at worse inaccurate" http://bit.ly/nKdp
- Can't Miss ECG Findings, Life-threatening Conditions - Medscape: http://bit.ly/msiqD (Registration required. Free)
- Activist group sues Denny's over sodium levels - some meals at Denny's contain more than 5,000 milligrams http://bit.ly/IWVRA
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