- Twitter aggregator: Scientists on Twitter - Science Pond http://sciencepond.com
- Google Books @googlebooks Is Trying To Get People To Read By Tweeting Out Literary Quotes http://bit.ly/a2coU and http://bit.ly/akpXm
- "Twitter, Even More Open Than We Wanted" - password security is always an issue when storing data in the cloud http://bit.ly/ysA2e -- How is that possible? "The password to the Twitter servers was, literally, “password.” http://bit.ly/qeivQ
- Google Reader launches new features, some of them resembling Twitter http://bit.ly/13tOM0
- 10 Ways Universities Share Information Using Social Media http://is.gd/1A1uq
- "Can Google be your phone company? The answer is yes." http://bit.ly/stSob -- Google Voice mobile app for Blackberry and Android http://bit.ly/1ahRb5
- To Bill Gates, Google's Chrome OS looks a lot like a familiar foe: Linux. http://bit.ly/N8vGt
- CrunchGear’s Ultimate Guide to Netbooks http://bit.ly/2hiByj
Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain.