- Study: "Humans prefer cockiness to expertise". "Bad news for scientists who try to be honest about gaps in their knowledge: Humans prefer cockiness to expertise" http://bit.ly/ovuWg
- A common blue food dye might provide the best treatment available so far for spinal cord injuries (in mice) http://bit.ly/f9zH9 Blue dye used in M&Ms and Gatorade may interrupt the cell death that follows spinal cord injury http://bit.ly/6iEIL -- Rats injected with BBG blue dye to treat spinal injury regained their mobility but temporarily turned blue. http://bit.ly/1GpnS
- Tanning Beds Get Highest Carcinogen Rating: Melanoma risk rises 75 percent when device use begins before age 30 http://bit.ly/17jwfE
- "NIH is encouraging its scientists to edit and even initiate Wikipedia articles in their fields." http://tr.im/uuyw
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