- 206 Hospitals using Social Media - What’s Next? http://ebennett.org/hsnl-8/ by @EdBennett
- "5 Reasons Why Twitter Is Relevant To Healthcare" http://bit.ly/VZmp6
- "40 Superb Psychology Blogs" http://bit.ly/mLbWt
- "20 Free Online Resources for Med Students" http://bit.ly/GQpkQ - I would add http://clinicalcases.org
- "If you find yourself in competition with the Internet, you should find a way out." http://bit.ly/JkOBL
- Matt Cutts from Google: If you're blogging for yourself: You've already won! http://bit.ly/Vi17B - I agree.
- TED Talks: Gordon Brown: Wiring a web for global good http://bit.ly/qsv3x
- Boston.com: Natural World photo gallery, beautiful and touching http://bit.ly/UBUgT
- Detailed service records of 250,000 medieval soldiers - including archers who served with Henry V - have gone online http://bit.ly/LEjbR
- Funny photo(s) of the day: "Drama in the tub" http://bit.ly/AG0zi
Medical news tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source/links, etc. The inclusion of a Twitter update (tweet) does not represent endorsement or agreement of any kind. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support.
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