- Spreadsheet: Top 30 Twitter doctors worth following: http://bit.ly/orKao - Open to anybody to edit. This is a "beginner reader" list...
- All honest medical blogs (most of them) that run automatic or regular ads have issues with them http://bit.ly/3f1HY and http://bit.ly/z4CZQ -- PalMD is unhappy with ads served by his host ScienceBlogs http://bit.ly/i9LOc - Blogger.com by Google does not force anybody to run ads (yet).
- NCBI ROFL features some PubMed abstracts that may send chills down your spine: http://bit.ly/3uqgt -- NCBI ROFL celebrates their success by including banner ads as big as the blog posts & "Beer Fund" donate button http://bit.ly/gwLUv - Hmm...
- Tour de Twitter: Lance Armstrong Takes Microblogging to the Races. Twitter: Other cyclists won’t be the only people following Lance Armstrong at this year’s Tour de France http://bit.ly/xaBKD
- Search Like an Expert: Google Offers Search Lessons http://bit.ly/L8OJS and http://bit.ly/17Wtev
- TRIP Database set up a 70-member advisory board, uses Ning social networking site http://bit.ly/BgE45
- Tips: How to Hire A Web Design Firm http://bit.ly/hgTQb
Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain.