- The Best- And Worst-Paying Jobs For Doctors - Forbes.com. Family practitioners earn $16,000 less than certified registered nurse anesthetists http://bit.ly/Un5rv
- Teenagers who drink heavily are also more likely to have behavioral problems or symptoms of depression and anxiety http://bit.ly/4crX0A
- Too clever: obese children in London, participating in an exercise research study, put pedometers on their dogs http://bit.ly/lWaEm
- Amount of carbohydrates a woman eats and "glycemic load" of her diet impact her chances of developing breast cancer. Women in the highest category of "glycemic load" had an 81% increased risk of ER+/PR- breast cancer http://bit.ly/1aCSrp
- "Time: Why does Blubber Belt wrap the South?" http://bit.ly/iEeCW
- Reuters forbids quoting from Wikipedia: http://bit.ly/NfzYS - Yet, it may be the top reference for your doctor http://bit.ly/4FU8XZ
- Back pain made simple: An approach based on principles and evidence. CCJM review. http://bit.ly/qD81z
- "JAMA Conflicts Policy: Now You See It, Now You Don’t" - WSJ http://bit.ly/14wcFr
- "Toddler too good at hide-and-seek, parents call police to help find her. Hide-and-seek is now banned in the household" http://bit.ly/dnpqD
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