- A truly Web 2.0 congress: IAGG World Congress of Gerontology & Geriatrics - see for yourself: http://bit.ly/rifmM
- Poor Working Conditions for Docs (time pressures, unfavorable organizational culture) May Affect Quality of Care. Adverse working conditions for PCPs may lead to stress, burnout and ultimately to lower quality patient care. 53.1% of PCPs reported time pressure during physical examinations, while 48.1% reported chaotic working environment. 48.8% of PCPs described their jobs as moderately or highly stressful, while 26.5% reported burnout http://bit.ly/vq8Dv
- Dogs are good for you: dog ownership in early childhood may protect against development of inhalant sensitisation http://bit.ly/wnY9E
- BMJ 1996 review formula for Dr's info needs still valid today: "Info usefulness=relevance x validity / effort to get" http://tinyurl.com/7n3zf6
- High proportion of trials published in Chinese medical journals are flawed, study shows - BMJ http://bit.ly/g2GMJ
- Study: "Where do junior doctors look things up?" - @amcunningham finds the method and results section quite perplexing http://bit.ly/KzrDg
- "Quacks and Cures" - BBC audio slideshow http://bit.ly/4jkv3C
- Zurich Chamber Orchestra Ads: Music and Medicine http://bit.ly/FgP7g
- "Sample Cover Letter for Journal Manuscript Resubmissions" http://bit.ly/2Q6Ne1 by Dr. Baumeister http://bit.ly/1iORe - Use at your own risk
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