- Disco tune saves man's life: his wife perform chest compressions to the beat of "Staying Alive" http://bit.ly/JCe15
- Best place to practice medicine in the U.S.? Texas, according to Medical Economics http://bit.ly/KQ2Wp
- CMS Announces New Payment Rules that Benefit Primary Care Docs http://bit.ly/YkNXG - "Could primary care actually win under the new CMS proposal?" http://bit.ly/NFMtR
- Review of Morgellons disease without a single picture? http://bit.ly/R119d (PDF) - Google Images does a "better" job http://bit.ly/jPnRl
- Medical Hypotheses: The nature of navel fluff. http://bit.ly/ylnMu
- Celiac diease and the new "silent killer" - wheat. http://bit.ly/GmOz0
- Sounds like David Carradine Died of Accidental Autoerotic Asphyxiation according to a medical examiner http://bit.ly/QeFMv
- CNN video: Michael Jackson appeared active in a video of his rehearsal 2 nights before he died http://is.gd/1lLwT
Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain.