Tuesday, September 15, 2009

CWC Hearings: State Dept Security Contracts

US Embassy Kabul Guard Contract Takes Center Stage

The Commission on Wartime Contracting (CWC) is an independent, bipartisan legislative commission established to study wartime contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Created in Section 841 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, this eight-member Commission is mandated by Congress to study federal agency contracting for the reconstruction, logistical support of coalition forces, and the performance of security functions, in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Commission may refer to the Attorney General any violation or potential violation of law identified by the Commission in carrying out its duties under this section.

Two of the eight commissioners have prior associations with the State Department: Clark Kent Ervin was a State Department Inspector General from 2001-2003 and Grant S. Green was Under Secretary of State for Management from 2001-2005. Had this story broke in 2005 or earlier, Mr. Green would be sitting in Pat Kennedy's chair facing the Commission's grilling. One of the co-chairs, Michael J. Thibault also had extensive experience with the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA), and another member, Dov S. Zakheim was DOD’s Comptroller and Chief Financial Officer from 2001-2004. I imagine they'll be looking under a lot of rocks.

Shortly after the POGO story on the US Embassy Kabul security guards broke, the CWC announced its intent to hold public hearings about wartime contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan. On September 14 the Commission heard from witnesses representing the State Department and its security contractors. The hearings were split into three panels listed below. As of this writing, only videos of the hearings are available via c-span.org; the statements of witnesses and other committee documents have yet to be posted online here are now posted online here.Wartime Contracting in Afghanistan and Iraq, Panel 1

Witnesses testified on the U.S. State Department’s selection, management, and oversight of security and other contractors.

Panel 1:

* Patrick F. Kennedy, Under Secretary of State for Management

* Eric Boswell, Assistant Secretary, Diplomatic Security

* William Moser, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Logistics Management

See video here | 2 hours, 11 minutes

Wartime Contracting in Afghanistan and Iraq, Panel 2

Witnesses testified on the U.S. State Department’s selection, management, and oversight of security and other contractors.

Panel 2:

* Danielle Brian, Executive Director of the Project on Government Oversight (testimony)* Terry Pearson, former Operations Supervisor in Kabul, Afghanistan, for RA International.

See video here | 1 hour, 27 minutes

Wartime Contracting in Afghanistan and Iraq, Panel 3

Witnesses testified on the U.S. State Department’s selection, management, and oversight of security and other contractors.

Panel 3:

* Doug Brooks, President of the International Peace Operations Association.

* William Ballhaus, President and CEO of DynCorp International.

* Samuel Brinkley, Vice President, Homeland Security and International Security Services, Wackenhut Services, Inc. (parent company of ArmorGroup North America).

See video here | 1 hour, 57 minutes
