Stars: ****
Children's Picture Book
Verbal Images Press (Sept. 2009)
ISBN: 978-0-9821982-1-6
32 pages Ages 7-9
Summary: Ben is fascinated with nature, but his ADD causes trouble at home and at school. The hallmarks of ADD - impulsivity, distractibility, and hyperactivity - as well as difficulties sleeping, are clearly shown, not told, in this story. Several commonly-used treatments are touched on, including relaxation techniques, medication, and a song to help get ready for school. Shortly after Ben's father compares the boy to his favorite bird, a mishap gives Ben a chance to show his concentration on nature as a strength. This edition revised from the 1996 one includes new 4-color illustrations, updated text and streamlining.
This is one of three books in The Coping Series, all about learning disabilities.
This one was really good at showing more than telling what was going on. It especially showed how a child can have trouble concentrating on one task but have no problem staying focused on something else (in this case, nature.)
Although the illustrator is the same for all the books in the series (Michael LaDuca) I think this book's illustrations are a bit better. I'm not sure exactly why but this book and its illustrations kept my attention better.
I think this would be a great book for a child just recently diagnosed with ADD or ADHD to have read to him/her.
An interesting fact:
"The setting for Eagle Eyes is Mendon Ponds Park near Rochester, NY, where chickadees feed from people's hands. The author's family frequently fed birds there."Thanks to KSB Promotions and Jeanne Gehret, M.A. for the opportunity to read this book.