Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Social Media Related Tweets and Insights

From my Twitter account:

ER doctor: Why I sent a guy with a normal EKG to the cath lab http://bit.ly/JaSqB

Illustrating Differences between Eastern and Western Lifestyle http://bit.ly/inEy5

NYT: Unemployed in U.S. exceed number of jobs available by 6:1 ratio: http://rurl.org/1xto -- Getting the unemployment rate back to 5% in 5 years would require average monthly job creation of 250,000. http://bit.ly/3bzw0i

9 Workspaces Where Famous Folks Get Stuff Done http://bit.ly/jjLDv

Ask-A-Librarian Column: What Exactly Do You Do? A Clinician’s Guide to the Medical Librarian http://bit.ly/jGEU3

A Week in the Clouds Without a Notebook http://bit.ly/iXXSj

New prototype from the NYT serves up custom RSS feeds - you choose the topic http://bit.ly/SUjO5

"Partisan Political Contributions by U.S. Companies" http://bit.ly/6xN8k and http://bit.ly/2b2pTU

Video: Expand Your Blog By Adding a Book http://bit.ly/4DGwNA

Know When People Stop Following You on Twitter http://bit.ly/2iOlz4

Ortho surgeon @hjluks: "saw 2 patients in office today because I responded to their DM !! 3 patients from website" - What's you experience?

Google Docs has added an equation editor so students can complete math problems within a document http://bit.ly/23HQxd

Tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain.