@BoraZ asks: "Has any science blogger ever pre-published a paper on their blog?" - Many journals will not accept your paper if "pre-published." I regularly publish ideas on my blog that become abstracts/papers but never full manuscripts.Tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain.
View online files using the Google Docs Viewer http://bit.ly/4bmisd
Day in the Life of a Google Docs Student: Practical Examples http://bit.ly/PX5wz
Multidimensional Twittology from The Washington Post and The Colors of Dreams http://bit.ly/4Mm6R
A mnemonic more complicated than the content to be remembered: http://bit.ly/38PFV4 - Defeats the purpose.
LIFE magazine now available on Google Books http://bit.ly/wVfIm via @LanceUlanoff
Math and Science Tutoring on YouTube http://bit.ly/4BajaK - Khan Academy has 800 videos http://bit.ly/3JD0Bk - What is "Khan Academy"?
Yahoo Brands Flickr: “Flickr from Yahoo” - Users Retaliate http://bit.ly/12tJ6I
Emergency Medicine MCQ http://bit.ly/3vU65H
10 Best Things We'll Say to Our Grandkids http://bit.ly/AeuxC
Friday, September 25, 2009
Social Media Related Tweets and Insights
From my Twitter account: