When you blog and/or tweet, you will always gain and lose subscribers and followers. It's a normal process.
When you write an educational blog, it is probably better to write for yourself - if you find the content useful, others will probably find it useful too.
And if you keep it up, the number of readers, subscribers and followers will gradually grow. I started with zero RSS subscribers in 2005 and that number has now surpassed 7,000.
However, this is not the main point. In the process, you will meet people you would have never had the chance to meet if you were not a blogger.
In general, when you blog, you always receive more than what you give in terms of information and knowledge.
There is no single way or rule how to use social media right. See how @common_squirrel has 6,000 Twitter followers with tweets such as "run run run run - eat eat eat - stare" - We're doing it wrong :)
Does this squirrel really have a walking stick? Click here to see the larger size photo on Flickr: Walk in the woods. Originally uploaded by Roselea.
Who? Me?
A Squirrel with a Walking Stick?
Has Blogging Peaked?
Using a Blog to Build an Educational Portfolio
How to write a medical blog and not get fired?
As A Busy Physician, Why Do I Even Bother Blogging? http://goo.gl/fSF3 - Excellent summary.
Image source: Wikipedia
Image source: Wikipedia