Stars: *****
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 2011
Nonfiction, Parenting, Childcare
128 pages
Summary: Your Baby Is Speaking to You illustrates the full range of behaviors--early smiling to startling, feeding to sleeping, listening to your voice and recognizing your face. The newest research--including information on subtle and fleeting behaviors not seen or explained in any other book--illuminates the meaning of the things babies do that concern and delight new parents.
I was happy to review this book being that I'm pregnant with my third child. I basically already knew most of it as I read a LOT with my first child but I was reminded about a few things. Also although I have read about baby communication, it was all within large nonfiction books full of other information. Not every new parent is as obsessed with information as I am. This is a much better way to teach new parents about baby communication without overwhelming them with 300 pages of small text.
The book includes professional photography by Abelardo Morell. We're talking about eye catching, captivating baby shots. I'd buy a coffee table book just full of photos by Morell. Each open spread includes the text on the left side and a photo on the right. Each section is very small and cuts right to the point. I read the whole book in one hour. If you bring a book to the hospital with you when you give birth, this one would be perfect as it can be read in short little parts whenever you have a few minutes.
Topics Covered: (all baby communication regarding:)
- Types of Sleep
- Types of Crying (full cry vs fussing)
- Eating (Search response and feeding)
- Newborn Reflexes
- Baby's Senses (including the difference between cuddly and not so cuddly babies)
- Settling In (startles, drowsiness, over-stimulation, signs of distress, sooth-ability, not easily settled baby)
- Social Newborn (Looking into eyes, feeding and communication, power of your voice, imitation, learning, temperament and social smile.)
- Growing Baby (Reaching Out, Exploring, Empathy, Learning to Love)
- Parent/Baby and Lifelong bond
It's a great book for parents to be, either new or seasoned, especially if its been a while.
Links of Interest: You Tube Book Trailer,
Other Reviews: Escape in a Book, Becky's Book Reviews, This Mom Loves, Dog Ear Diary,
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