Stars: ****
Annick Press (2010)
Ages 2-5
32 pages
Summary: Chicken, Pig, and Cow are very happy together in their Popsicle stick barn, so when Horse arrives, not everyone is pleased—especially Chicken, who points out that Horse takes up a lot of space. - from Annick Press
The fourth in the Chicken, Pig, Cow series introduces us to Horse! You can find my reviews of the first three at the following links:
As with the previous three books, Ruth Ohi delivers a great story. As with the Purple Problem, there is an underlying message. This time it's about acceptance and making new friends. The message would not be obvious to the child though so explanation would probably be needed for the 3-5 year old and probably would be beyond the 2 year old.
If you somehow haven't heard of the series, Chicken, Pig and Cow (and now Horse) are made of clay but are alive and the book is their adventures with dog (a real dog, not a clay one.)
The illustrations are still adorable, although I'm not sure why the dog looks so angry on the cover.
Links of Interest: Ruth Ohi,
Other Reviews: NONE YET
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Where is the Green Sheep? ¿Dónde Está la Oveja Verde? by Mem Fox
Stars: ****
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (2004)
Board Book Version (978-0-547-39694-1)
Translated by Carlos E. Calvo
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (2004)
Board Book Version (978-0-547-39694-1)
Translated by Carlos E. Calvo
Summary: A dual language and board book version of Where is the Green Sheep? So not only do you see all the different kinds of sheep (blue/red/thin/wide/up/down/swing/slide etc.) and wonder where the green sheep is but you get to learn some Spanish words along the way. (or if you speak Spanish, learn some English.)
I actually hadn't read Where is the Green Sheep? before but was happy to get a Spanish dual language version since I'm teaching my kids and myself Spanish.
It's quite a cute story and my girls loved it. They especially liked "reading" the Spanish words they already knew. I love dual language books. I'm just not sure why there is a Bath Sheep, Bed Sheep, Band Sheep, and Clown Sheep. Most of the others make sense, I'm just not sure why they chose these.
I actually hadn't read Where is the Green Sheep? before but was happy to get a Spanish dual language version since I'm teaching my kids and myself Spanish.
It's quite a cute story and my girls loved it. They especially liked "reading" the Spanish words they already knew. I love dual language books. I'm just not sure why there is a Bath Sheep, Bed Sheep, Band Sheep, and Clown Sheep. Most of the others make sense, I'm just not sure why they chose these.
Other Reviews: NONE YET
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Stars: ****
Jumping Cow Press (2008)
44 Pages
Summary: Is it really true that cows can't jump, gorillas can't swim and sloths can't leap? Yes, but discover what these and other animals do, as they swing, scamper and glide.Jumping Cow Press (2008)
44 Pages
I was sent the paperback and board book to review. I prefer the paperback personally but the board book would be good for younger readers. There are 3-4 words per page which would make this a great book for the children to help read (from memory) after hearing the story many times. My 5 year old tried to guess what each animal could do and was right quite a few times!
For such a simple book, I really love it and donated the board book version to our playgroup so many more kids can enjoy it.
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