Optimum control of blood glucose, blood pressure, and possibly blood lipids remains the foundation for reduction of risk of retinopathy development and progression.
Timely laser therapy is effective for preservation of sight in proliferative retinopathy and macular oedema, but its ability to reverse visual loss is poor.
Vitrectomy surgery might occasionally be needed for advanced retinopathy.
New therapies, such as intraocular injection of steroids and antivascular endothelial growth-factor agents, are less destructive to the retina than are older therapies, and could be useful in patients who respond poorly to conventional therapy.
Future treatment modalities include inhibition of other angiogenic factors, regenerative therapy, and topical therapy.
Diabetic retinopathy [Seminar]. Ning Cheung, Paul Mitchell, Tien Yin Wong. Lancet, 2010.
Diabetic retinopathy [Seminar]. Ning Cheung, Paul Mitchell, Tien Yin Wong. Lancet, 2010.
Intensifying glucose control and adding fenofibrate to simvastatin each reduced progression of retinopathy in DM2 http://goo.gl/htHIK
Ophthalmology Self-Guided Study Activity - ACP 2011 .