Monday, October 18, 2010

Causes of a sick economy

I just made a quick trip to Starbucks and realized what is wrong with our economy, in fact, in our society:

(1) Traffic lights.  This is getting out of hand.  I counted seven lights in the one mile trip to Starbucks.  What do all of these sick jokes cost us?  How about the anger and frustration, especially as a result of  those self-absorbed, callous and cold-blooded drivers who trigger lights by radar coming out of some dinky side-street?  How about the extra fuel used while idling at forever red lights?  I'll bet we could be self-sufficient in oil just by cutting down 10% of traffic lights in our major cities. Or the wear and tear on brakes and the who knows what that black crap is being sent into the atmosphere every time our brakes are applied;

(2) Parking lot speed bumps.  Why are they so high?  They are more like walls then bumps, I have to speed up just to get the momentum to get over some of them; 

(3) Photo-radar.  George Orwell would have a field day with these big-brother intrusions into our privacy and well-being.  How can a society be productive while we cower in fear every time we drive to a store or work, or to visit a sick relative in the hospital, or worse yet,  a trip downtown to feed the hungry or to save the lives of children caught in house fires.  

I imagine those UFO's are laughing there oval heads off as they hover and observe our species subverting our mobile technology and destroying what dignity we have left as a civilization.

Power to the people.