Thursday, August 5, 2010
Woodall's Campsite Cookbook - The Great Camping Event - Day 11
It's Day 11 and I have another camping cookbook for you today. Along with a giveaway!
Woodall's Campsite Cookbook: Delicious Easy-to-Fix Meals for Campfire Cooks and RV Cooks by Woodalls
Stars: ****1/2
Summary: How to set up a camp kitchen and how to make delicious meals using foils, grilling and barbequing, reflector ovens and dutch ovens and casseroles and skillets if you have an RV.
First in the book you'll find a word about nutrition, setting up your camp kitchen, pantry and utensils and fire building. Then you'll find the recipes separated into these chapters: Aluminum Foil Cooking, Reflector Oven Cooking, Dutch Oven Cooking, Breads and Breakfast, Soups and Sauces, Salads, Dressings and Relishes, Vegetable Dishes, Cooking Inside Your Rig ... Casseroles and Skillet Meals, Grilling and Barbequing, Campsite Desserts, Campfire Snacks, Beverages finally a Camp Cooking Hints chapter.
The skillet meals could also be used if you are cooking on a camp stove. In fact, the casserole, skillet, grilling, and barbequing meals at least could be made at home in your own kitchen. This would be a good way to try it out first to make sure you like it. The book has a LOT of recipes and most of them are quite short and easy to follow.
I had only a few problems and they are quite small. There was a few typos, the funniest one: "hard woods bum clean" instead of "hard woods burn clean." Also in the explanation of what gear you might use to make your outdoor kitchen, it mentions a portable oven and portable sink. I think this is getting a little ridiculous. This is camping after all, even if in an RV.
I did like the one idea to do wash in a sectioned bucket, one for soap and one for rinse. However that wouldn't work for us. In Girl Guides we wash using the 3-sink method from the Health Unit. Wash, Rinse and Bleach.
The Cooking Hints chapter has some good ideas including what to consider if cooking at a higher altitude, how to make substitutions and some other helpful ideas such as layering your meatloaf pan with bacon for added flavour and to stop it from burning to the bottom.
I saw a lot of recipes I'll be trying with my Girl Guide Unit and on family camping next time we go.
Woodall's is a website with camping articles, products and resources with a focus on RVers although they do mention tent and family camping as well. There are forums and a blog as well.
Links of Interest: Woodall's,
Other Reviews: NONE YET
7:38 AM