BBC: IPCC needs reforms, IAC review recommendsRajendra Pachauri was elected in 2002 and re-elected for his second term in 2008. However, when asked whether the one-term IAC recommendation also implies that Pachauri should resign, Princeton's ex-president Prof Shapiro answered that it was too difficult a logical problem for him to solve so he has to leave the "interpretation" to others.
RTT News: Review recommends major overhaul of UN climate body
Irish Times: Report criticises climate change body
Reason: IPCC processes critiqued
Earth Times: Probe urges deep reforms in the IPCC
Daily Mail: Body needs overhaul
Fox News: Independent audit slaps U.N. climate panel
Others at Google News
Well, that's how the Tuesday son puzzle would end up if I allowed the solution to be open to "interpretations" instead of logic, too.
When Shapiro discussed the IPCC errors such as GlacierGate that are dedicated some chapters in the IAC review, a lady from Al Jazeera asked whether he was not afraid that it could be interpreted as that he thinks that the IPCC has made some errors. Her eyes hinted that her Islamist and leftist friends could perform a terrorist attack against the IAC. But Shapiro didn't quite collapse although he clearly tried to appease the PC lady a bit.
In the IAC panel's opinion, the errors occurred because the IPCC did not obey its own guidelines - so the guidelines might be enough in their opinion.
Completely different words sounded an hour later
At 11 a.m. New York Summer Time, Pachauri has glorified himself, making catastrophic climate science look more worshiped than ever. He has read some comment from a jerk or two who has worship him. When Pachauri was asked whether he would respect the IAC recommendation and resign, he said that his interpretation was that it was forward-looking and for Pachauri personally, it's a mission he can't leave so "we will see". ;-)
Another IPCC apparatchik said that the IAC review - that has previously claimed that the scandals have dented the credibility of the IPCC has - shown that the IPCC's credibility is stronger than ever. :-) That's the "interpretation" by the IPCC logic.
Key fresh links (explanation below):Older text written before the press conference
► U.N. webcast (with Dijkgraaf, Shapiro, and others): LIVE; began at 10 a.m. New York Summer Time; continues from 11 a.m. (with Pachauri et al.)
► IAC report website
► IAC: web page about & before the release
► IAC: web page about & after the release
Robbert Dijkgraaf will review the IPCCSo he and his colleagues have chosen a meta-panel that has been reviewing the work of the IPCC for six months. Many of us have expected and expect that this IAC meta-review would be just another whitewash. But we couldn't really know for sure. We will learn the truth today.
Robbert Dijkgraaf: ClimateGate unrelated to the IPCC
Princeton ex-president chairs the meta-IPCC panel
BBC: UN climate change panel to face Himalaya error verdictBan Ki-moon will receive the IAC report, apparently focusing on the GlacierGate as key evidence of the IPCC's malfunctioning (well, the whole "juicy" portion of the IPCC report is made out of similar "material"), today in New York.
The following title used by Australia's ABC unequivocally answers the question whether the United Nations themselves were intending to build an impartial panel that would find the right answer about the IPCC's work whatever it is:
UN hopes science review eases climate scepticismAs you can see, there is no glimpse of honesty in the work of the United Nations. By the way, an Indian Wall Street Journal blog includes the IAC report among the two most important events of week, together with the new Indian GDP figures:
The Week Ahead: Report on IPCC, GDP FiguresThe Hindustan Times propagate rumors that the report will not even call for the resignation of the IPCC's most famous scammer and liar, Rajendra Pachauri:
Pachauri likely to get away with mild rapIt would be just like the Nuremberg trials that would be evaluating the Nazi era but that wouldn't tell Adolf Hitler to resign.