Sunday, August 29, 2010

Workboxes for the Organizationally Challenged

If you're a homeschooler, you've noticed the buzz about "workboxes."  Dead set against doing them (because I couldn't imagine EVER being organized enough to pull it off), I still seemed to keep migrating back to blogs showing photos of the system. Working. Effectively. Even with hopeless organizationally challenge folks like me.

So I'm trying it.

I'll explain my system soon. It's quite different from the velcro tag concept that others are using. I figured out that was too much work last night around 11pm. AFTER I'd already hand-cut and covered 24 number buttons with contact paper. I sat there staring at strips of velcro, wondering how I'd get them to stay on. I went to my email and found that my membership in a workbox forum has been approved. Upon visiting the site, the first post I read: "My velcro won't stay on!!!"

I bailed the velcro ship.

In upcoming weeks, my readers will probably be most interested in two of my workboxes:
  • Preschool Math
  • K-5 Math--with children's books, games, activities
More to come. Soon. After I find my way out from under all this velcro.