Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Linking Math and Literature Class-update

Great class! So excited about the possibilities for using literature in the context of math. We considered the myriad of reasons (& ways!) to link the two, explored many lessons linking literature & math (not to mention poetry, drama, art...), and evaluated books for their quality/usability. It was rather fascinating to ponder the immense difference in the quality of books. Some are so incredibly dydactic...textual and/or mathematical drivel, really...or, worse, mathematically inaccurate. (Does that realization make me a book snob?) Others...AHHHH, the OTHERS...  They excite, ignite and spur the reader on to higher levels of mathematical thinking and learning.


Post-class high.

Accompanied by lower back pain.

I counted. 251 books were used in this class.

251 books!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My back proves it. ;)