Summary: A guide to help parents whose children are exhibiting signs of separation anxiety. No matter what your situation (school, daycare, clingy just when you leave the room for one second), Elizabeth Pantley can help you all. The book comes with a little magic bracelet and instructions for use.
I love the no-cry books. I've read The No-Cry Sleep Solution and The No-Cry Nap Solution.
First we are introduced to separation anxiety and it's basics. Then we are given tips for babies and toddlers. Then we meet the Magic Bracelet idea. Full instructions with different ideas for use are included. A magic bracelet is included with the book but you can choose to make your own or buy your own.
Following that is specific tips for preschool and school age children. The section after than addresses certain separation anxiety issues such as babysitters, daycare, going to work, starting school, new baby, going to bed alone, playdates and parties, overnights, travel, military duty, divorce, business travel and siblings going to school. Finally parent separation anxiety is addressed and there is a short chapter on Separation Anxiety Disorder.
The magic bracelet is a great idea. It's for your child to keep you close when they are away. She suggests having two identical bracelets so that if one is lost, there is a second one. The included bracelet is a simple orange woven bracelet with the word "Magic" on it and velcro clasp.
My kids cry sometimes when I leave but it doesn't last long and they don't have too many problems. However my eldest is starting school this September so I will try the bracelet with her.
Links of Interest: Elizabeth Pantley, Excerpt 1 and Excerpt 2,
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