Summary: Four best of friends are super excited about the start of summer! Their adventure begins with getting out of school and talking about a pink sleepover. But things do not run smoothly when Kiki Shaver gets in the way. Then they found an invitation for a fashion show! Will the girls still be able to have fun and participate in the fashion show? As you read on, you will discover a delightful story of how Kiki was able to turn her life around to learn how to sew wonderful friendships. - from
When I learned that a 10 year old has made a book I was intrigued so I contacted the Tinti's and asked for a copy to review. I must say though that I was a bit disappointed. The idea behind the story is great and the illustrations are pretty good for a 10 year old but I guess I just don't agree that it's as amazing as everyone else is saying. I think however that it's just not what I was expecting. Let me share some background info.
I don't usually share author information but I want everyone to understand about the book.
About the Author
Natalie Tinti is a fourth grader living in Southern California. With her passion and talent of illustrating, she has won many awards for her excellence. Natalie's book, Sewing a Friendship, in 2010 was 4 times awarded. In addition, Miss Tinti received a certificate of achievement and was recognized as an honor student at her elementary school. Natalie is promoting her school's theme "Kindness is Cool" and she believes friendships are an important part of our lives that can be created when we have the courage to include others.
Natalie sounds like an amazing girl. She offers these great tips for making friends and she's been interviewed on TV (and elsewhere). If you don't want to watch the whole interview, I ask that you watch 3:30min-3:58min at least. She sounds way older than a 10 year old when she talks during this time.
Knowing all this about Natalie, I feel bad giving her less than a glowing review but I vowed to be honest on this blog. It's not a bad book, but I won't be reading it again. I'm also not a 10 year old girl though, so the book isn't designed for me. I think a preteen would enjoy it more than me. That's why I wanted you to know the background information on the author because I think she's really talented and she's already written Sewing a Friendship 2.
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* I received a copy of this book in exchange for a review. All reviews are honest and are not affected by how I acquired the book.