One Peace Books (2010)
157 pages
Summary: [...] In this volume [the author] has created a method for living. A way you too can be successful and powerful in your everyday life. Thirty-one phrases are coupled with simple methods and short explanations designed to implement empowerment and change in lives of readers. Designed to be carried with you and pulled out when you need it, WOW is the ultimate handbook for life. - from
This book is definitely different than any other books I've ever seen. The text is not line after line, from left to right, page after page. The book is full of photography, spaces to write things, and different fonts and text sizes. This may seem to be a bad thing but it's not. It makes for great reading while on a bus or somewhere busy where it's hard to concentrate.There is one page with 7 words and one with 288.
The book is full of exercises to do to help you change your life. Some require a few minutes to think or write something down and others are just ideas for life:
"Whenever you express your opinion try to start with the words, "I assert..." or "My opinion is..." Whenever you're listening to someone else's opinion, add the words, "As for your opinion..." silently to yourself." - pg 72
I think this is a great idea. we often get ourselves all riled up because of something someone said but guess what? That's just their opinion.
So as the summary said, the book covers 31 different phrases such as: Say it with how, Everyone has a voice, I can't help being judgmental, questions conquer problems and It's okay to be selfish.
I think this book would be good for those who like self-help books, but don't have a lot of time for long books. For those who usually frown upon exercises in books, you must realize these aren't time consuming sit down and work on it exercises. Most required just thinking a certain way. This is a great book to read again and again until the concepts truly sink in.
Links of Interest: NONE
Other Reviews: Reminder List, The Fickle Fan,
Buy WOW: A Handbook for Living
* I received a copy of this book for review. All reviews are honest and are not affected by how I acquired the book.