I have a quite a few because I missed a few weeks and I received a large amount of books today. I received something for everyone!
I May Frustrate You, But I'm a Keeper! by Ray W. Lincoln (I requested it - from Apex Publications)
Nonfiction parenting book designed to help frustrated parents understand their children and their temperament, lower stress, bond, help our children achieve his or her potential and much more.
You Better Not Cry: Stories for Christmas by Augusten Burroughs (St. Martin's Press)
Unfortunately this didn't get here before Christmas so I'll have to pretend it's Christmas for a few days to read it.
The SuperStress Solution by Roberta Lee, M.D. (Random House)
4-week diet and lifestyle program to relieve headaches and anxiety, sleep well, relax, control weight, build resilience and more
LOST's Buried Treasures 3rd Edition by Lynnette Porter & David Lavery (Sourcebooks)
Yes it's a book about the TV show LOST! Updated through season 5 this isn't an episode guide but information on mysteries, books and tv/movies mentioned in the show, music played, people who died as well as those who came back, video and role-playing games, cast, writer and director biographies, new and old theories and much much more.
The following are ALL from Capstone Publishing:
Duck Goes Potty by Michael Dahl (Board Book)
Bunny Eats Lunch by Michael Dahl (Board Book)
A Polar Bear's World by Caroline Arnold (Picture book with facts)
Camouflage Clues: A Photo Riddle Book by Megan Cooley Peterson (Children's Nonfiction)
Hip-Hop Dancing by Kathryn Clay (Children's Nonfiction)
Birthday Parties and Celebrations by Sarah L. Schuette (Children's Nonfiction)
Giant Pandas by Lyn A. Sirota (Children's Nonfiction)
Big Mouths by Catherine Ipcizade (Children's Nonfiction)
Growing a Garden by Mari Schuh (Picturebook - Easy Reader)
If you'd like to purchase any of these books, please consider going through the following link to Amazon.com