In My Mailbox is hosted at The Story Siren while Mailbox Monday is hosted at The Printed Page. Since they are basically the same meme, I do them together. Check the links to find posts from others.
So what have I received for review?
You Can't Afford to Break Up: How an Empty Wallet and a Dirty Mind Can Save Your Relationship by Stacey Nelkin and Paul Schienberg, Ph.D.
(iUniverse) - received from Publicist
Critical Care: A New Nurse Faces Death, Life and Everything in Between by Theresa Brown (HarperStudio) - ARC, received from publisher through Shelf Awareness
The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman (Northfield Publishing) - special edition with leather cover received by author for Blog Tour
I am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced by Nujood Ali with Delphine Minoui (Three Rivers Press, division of Random House) - received from publisher
Straight Talk for Teenage Girls by Annette Fuson (AuthorHouse) - received for Pump Up Your Book Promotion Tour in March.
That's it for this week!