Thursday, February 4, 2010

30% of doctors have changed a patient's treatment as a result of an Internet search

From AMedNews:

86% of physicians use Internet to access health information. Why not 100%?

72% of physicians start their health information search with a search engine, 92% of those using Google.

A third of doctors have changed a patient's treatment as a result of an Internet search.

Consistent with other search engine research findings that users tend to click the most prominent links, 92% of physician searchers clicked on the links appearing at the top of the page, 46% clicked those in the middle of the page, and 24% clicked on those on the bottom. Also, 8% clicked on sponsored links.

86% of physicians use Internet to access health information. AMedNews.
Image source: Doctors Using Google by Philipp Lenssen, used with permission.