People Who Follow 4 Simple Habits Sharply Reduce Risk of Serious Disease.
What are those 4 habits? Here they are:
1. Never smoke.
2. Exercise at least 3.5 hours per week.
3. Maintain a body mass index (BMI) under 30.
4. Follow a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain breads, and limited in meats.
This is a mnemonic for exercises that can be done with just body weight: PLSS
P ushups
S itups
L unges
S quats

Exercises that can be done with just body weight: PLSS.
4 Healthy Habits That Cut Disease Risk. WebMD, 2009.
Pessimism and Cynicism Appear to Increase Risk of Heart Disease and Death http://bit.ly/synPO
Healthy Living Is the Best Revenge: Adhering to 4 simple healthy lifestyle factors prevents chronic diseases http://bit.ly/564PR
How to stay healthy while traveling