Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why use Boron in Radiation Containment?


Boron neutron capture therapy


Effectiveness of boron-loaded additives in shielding against scattered accelerator radiation (source link) a pdf is also available at the link.

Borotron from Quadrant Engineering Plastic Products is a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) formulation with 5% elemental boron that provides enhanced neutron shielding. Borated HDPE (the combination of boron within a matrix of HDPE, a naturally hydrogen-rich material) is an ideal product for medical and industrial neutron shielding applications. Borotron is a light-weight, cost-effective, and easily fabricated solution for a wide variety of neutron shielding needs.

Borotron, in sheet form, is used for shielding in radiation therapy rooms, nuclear research facilities, nuclear power plants, nuclear powered ships, and in spacecraft exposed to radiation.
