But that didn't prevent EGU from choosing a top Japanese Alaskan climate skeptic, Syun-Ichi Akasofu, as the winner of the 2011: Hannes Alfvén Medal:
EGU about the winnerCongratulations! The award is named after the 1970 physics Nobel prize winner, Hannes Alfvén, who studied plasma physics in general and magnetohydrodynamics in particular and discovered the Alfvén waves.
Akasofu has authored a dozen of books and 500+ papers, including some top-cited ones, on similar subjects - especially things such as aurorae. You may check that even in the top-cited sane climate scientists' hitparade by Prall, Schneider, et al., Akasofu is ahead of your humble correspondent (by four steps).
You must remember Akasofu as a scientist featured on The Great Global Warming Swindle who observed that it's normal for ice to melt, especially in Spring. ;-)
To compare, The Independent, an extremely politically correct British daily, looks at the qualities of Al Gore as a student:
Gore 'was lazy dope as student at Harvard'The U.K. newspaper says that Gore's grades were worse than those of George W. Bush and, as testified by a college friend of Gore in the press, Gore was stoned a lot of the time.
A former has put the "contradiction between Gore's abilities and results" into positive light: he was a boy who shows a "lot of potential". Well, especially the potential to brainwash fellow morons as well as somewhat smaller morons - and to transform their stupidity and gullibility to a virtue (and Scandinavian precious metals).