Monday, February 14, 2011

Sharia for Egypt and the West

Source IPT News
February 14, 2011

With questions looming about Islamist influence in a transitional Egypt, an organization that calls itself "the leading Islamic Institute in the West" is teaching students to support Sharia law in Egypt and around the world.

Teachers at Houston-based AlMaghrib Institute have advocated Sharia law to students, both in recent statements about events in Egypt and more generally in the past. The organization has also advocated violence in the cause of Islam.

"When I look at what is happening in the world and you see that people are scared of Islam and Islamists, it makes me ask the question; was Mubarak ruling Egypt with Islam? They were ruling Egypt with secularism that came from the West," said Vice President and Professor Waleed Basyouni in a recent interview. "Isn't it the right of people that they live with Islam, their religion and allow it to guide them? The failure of these systems is an excellent example that these secular systems don't work. It created corrupt dictatorships in these regions."

Yasir Qadhi, the institute's dean of academics, said that the tradition from Islam's prophet could be seen in the events of Egypt and the coming reckoning for inhuman, non-Muslim states.

"For indeed, Allah might give a tyrant some respite, but He never neglects such a person, and when Allah's reckoning comes, it is swift and just. Tyranny is darkness, as our Prophet salla (Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said, and injustice will never be allowed to go unchecked," Qadhi said in a statement published last week at

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