Stars: *****
Delacorte Press (Random House) 2009
Summary: The last thing Gwen Cooper wanted was another cat. She already had two, not to mention a phenomenally underpaying job and a recently broken heart. Then Gwen’s veterinarian called with a story about a three-week-old eyeless kitten who’d been abandoned. It was love at first sight. Everyone warned that Homer would always be an “underachiever,” never as playful or independent as other cats. But the kitten nobody believed in quickly grew into a three-pound dynamo, a tiny daredevil with a giant heart who eagerly made friends with every human who crossed his path. - read the rest at Gwen Cooper
I read this book last year but never got around to reviewing it because I lent it out to someone who took a while to return it. I'm a sucker for animal books, especially true heroic tales. The first few chapters when the author first finds and acquires Homer just about had me in tears. I think Gwen Cooper is the true hero as she changed her life to accommodate her blind cat and make his life the best it could be.
I wish I could give a more thorough review but it's been too long since I read it. All I remember is an overwhelming feeling of sadness for the first half of the book and happiness for the second half.
Please Note: 10% of all Gwen’s domestic royalties from Homer’s Odyssey will be donated to organizations that serve abused, abandoned, and disabled animals, including Blind Cat Rescue and Sanctuary, Inc.
Links of Interest: Gwen Cooper,
Other Reviews: Lesa's Book Critiques, Maggie Reads, In the Shadow of Mt. TBR,
Buy Homer's Odyssey

Stars: ***1/2
Penguin Group (2010)
Summary: The author (and caregiver) of Dewey, the Library Cat has compiled another book of nine stories. Two are new Dewey stories and the other seven are from other people about their cats.
I loved Dewey and so was excited to read this. I was a bit disappointed although I still recommend the book for cat lovers. I'll make this a point form review.
- I think the authors picked a great nine stories to share with us.
- However Vicki narrates them ALL. She interviewed the others and so tells their stories with a mixture of quotes and narration on what she observed
- This bothered me. I want to hear about other people's cats from the other people. Completely in their words, even if they are not the best writers. But perhaps it wouldn't bother you.
- Some of the stories were TOO long but then I have a short attention span sometimes. Nine stories (and a prologue) in a 300 page book is too much for me.
- My favourite story was the fourth one about a couple who run a resort and the 28 cats they ended up with at one time.
- I actually didn't read the last two or three stories because I just couldn't get into it anymore. I'm sure it's not the stories themselves but just that the rest of them were so long (sometimes with Vicki going on an on about something other than the cats) and because Vicki was narrating.
Links of Interest: Dewey Read More Books,
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