Monday, February 14, 2011

500 Kisses & My Sex Life (ahem.. those are book titles)

Happy Valentine's Day! I've got some hot book reviews for you!

500 Kisses: Inventive, tantalizing, and lusty ways to kiss, lick, nibble, and excite the lover in your life!

Stars: ****

Cider Mill Press (2010)

Summary: There's nothing more erotic and inspiring than a great kisser. Here's a collection of 500 kisses that will bring your lover to new heights! From the sinful-as-Chocolate Kiss to the Lolita, from the Knee-Buckling Kiss to the Pandora's Box, this book has all the smooches you'll need to have your lips declared Too Hot to Handle.

This book is smoking hot! I'm not a big kisser so I was looking for some new ideas to get me into it more. This book certainly has a LOT of ideas.


One - Techniques of the Skilled Kisser
Two - Kisses That Make You Crave For More
Three - Lips Aren't The Only Parts That Need Kissing
Four - Kisses That Will Keep You Playing Forever
Five - Kisses For Every Flavor of Love
Six - Kisses That Make You Beg For More
Seven - Kisses of a Kama Seducer
Eight - Kisses That Capture Magical On-Screen Moments
Nine - Kisses to Bump and Grind To
Ten - The Most Erotic Places to Kiss

There are kisses for married couples, kisses for boyfriends and girlfriends, kisses for sexually active people and kisses for non sexually active people. Kisses are not just for lips. Each kiss takes up only one page (and usually less than one page) and the pages themselves are small so it's not heavy reading. The pages are small but there are over 450 of them. It's good for just perusing when you need a new idea. Some involve preparation (planning ahead of time or getting props) and some you can keep in the back of your mind to try anytime.

I must say thought that many of these ideas are hard to impossible to pull off with a house full of kids. Some are much better for the single crowd. But if you happen to be able to get rid of your kids for a day or night....

Don't be shy, get the book and fire up your love life!

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My Sex Life: A Journal to record my every erotic whim, from the elaborate fantasies that distract me when I'm supposed to be doing something else to the real encounters that prove I've still got it to the dirty little secrets and naughty kinks I should probably keep to myself lest I scare off potential mate(s) to the hangups that continue to plague me despite my libertine airs - because after all, isn't everything, and I mean everything, about sex? (whew is that a long subtitle or what?)

Stars: ***1/2

Who's There (2010)
160 pages

Summary:  Why does anyone write in a journal? Because we've all got sex on the mind - practically all the time. Journals provide us with a trusted place to be entirely honest, but Inner-Truth Journals are themeselves honest. Following titillating prompts and refreshingly forthright quotes, you'll journal until you're hot and not bothered.

Each left hand page contains a quote and each right hand page has a space to journal. Each journal page says "Why Sex Matters Today" which I thought was a bit weird if we are just journalling our thoughts on the quote or whatever sexual matter is on our mind this time.  At the bottom of each journal page is a "Today's Sexual Success" meter that you can choose X, XX or XXX. I guess we get to keep track of if our journalling led us to sex.

I think I would have preferred more specific journal prompts than just broad quotes but I guess this way you can write about whatever's on your mind or what is being quoted.

I haven't started journalling yet but I'm interested in starting. Just have to figure out a safe place to put it as my oldest is learning to read.

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*I received both of these books (from separate companies) in exchange for a review. All reviews are honest and my own.