Good-Bye Dubai, Hello Germany!
As many must be aware by now, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has decided to kick the CF out of Al-Minhad Air Base near Dubai. Predictably, the lame Liberal media such as the Red Star repeated this outrageous statement without balance or a behavioural description of the UAE itself:“In Dubai, the UAE official quoted by the Gulf News Report added: “When it comes to free trade and economic liberalization, Canada today is behaving like the defunct states of the Iron Curtain.”And apparently, as the conspiracy goes, this issue has led to Canada not getting its seat on the UN Security Council, which considering how the UN is becoming just a puppet of the Islamic block in the form of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), this isn’t such a big loss after all. And consider Canada’s support for Israel and our government’s painfully slow acceptance that man made global warming is a scam, both which go against the current dogma at the UN, things are looking up!
Realistically, money makes the world go ‘round, and the cost of closing Camp Mirage has some hefty monetary costs associated with it. So too does the possible loss in trade with the UAE pegged in the billions to our economy. And the left are all too ready to put the blame on the Conservative doorstep citing intractable protectionist policies which brand hypocrisy considering the free trade agenda. But kicking out Canada’s military is a two way street, as “the UAE earns significant revenue from Western military bases, labeled by some historians as the latest manifestation of colonialism.”
This is a must read article, the above is just a taste! Read it all at Moose and Squirrel Dispatch 27