Friday Evening Update:
The Canadian way is now to appease a radical group, in this instance the Organization of Islamic Congress, to gain favor in the UN with the jihadists of the OIC? The dhimmitude is frightening, the politics maddening and the taqiyya full on. The government of Canada is not Conservative it is at best Liberal and centrist at worst ‘progressive’. Read on, and check out the posts at moose and squirrel and BCF .
Dispatch 24: The Canadian Islamic Congress’ Soft Jihad at NDHQ
Let the takiyya continue. What was the intellect that managed a leap of logic over common sense to host the Canadian Islamic Congress’ National Executive Director Dr. Zijad Delic at the National Defence Head Quarters while CF members are risking their lives fighting the very ideology whose heritage we’re supposed to be celebrating for a month?
The backgrounder is here.