Too Many Books by Gilles Tibo & Miss Malarkey Leaves No Reader Behind by Judy Finchler and Keven O'Malley
In My Mailbox Monday - Mar 8
Happy Birthday To You by Margot Theis Raven
GIVEAWAY: Happy Birthday To You by Margot Theis Raven (open till Mar 15)
The Amanda Project: invisible i by Stella Lennon
I Am An Emotional Creature by Eve Ensler
Read an E-book Week Update
The Man's Book by Thomas Fink
Booking Through Thursday - Illustrious
Let's Discuss Nonfiction
What else?
I did pretty well keeping to my new blog schedule but as you can see I added in some extra posts. This was partly because of the giveaway and also because I need to post a lot in the next little while to catch up on reviews.
Check out my weekly wordle (a wordle of the words used in my blog posts for this week)
Click for bigger picture.
About the Upcoming Week
Next week is March Break and after that I will be bringing a bunch of my review books I don't want to keep to my playgroup for them to go through. So I have a bunch of books I read months ago that need to be reviewed so I can give them away. So expect lots of reviews next week. If you don't like blogs that post a lot, please don't get scared, I won't post many times a day every day for the most part.