Sunday, March 28, 2010

FDA: Rotarix rotavirus vaccine contains DNA from a "harmless" pig virus and should not be used

GlaxoSmithKline confirmed that the pig virus, porcine circovirus type 1 or PCV-1, has been in the vaccine since it was developed.

75% of U.S. doctors prescribe the three-dose RotaTeq vaccine, made by Merck, which was approved in 2006.

Electron micrograph of Rotaviruses. Image source: Wikipedia, Environmental Protection Agency, public domain.

Rotavirus-related diarrhea used to cause 70,000 hospitalizations per year in the U.S. before the introduction of the vaccines. The first vaccine against the virus called RotaShield was withdrawn from the market due to reports of an intestinal blockage (intussusception) associated with its use.

Pig Virus DNA Found in Rotavirus Vaccine. WebMD.
Image source:

Now There’s Pig Virus DNA in Merck’s Rotavirus Vaccine, Too. WSJ, 2010.

Updated: 05/06/2010