Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Free Stuff! (Math Practice Books)

I've added a tab called "Free Stuff" to highlight some of the free educational goodies to be found on the web. Here's my first post. You can print FREE full size math practice books for grades K-5. Seriously.

Bridges Practice Books
Go to the link above and look in the lower right hand corner for green lettering (cause it's St. Patrick's Day??) that says "Practice Books" and click on the grade level you desire. The consumable books are available for purchase, but you can download the FULL set of blacklines (pdf files) for FREE.
Written to  address the NCTM Focal Points, Bridges Practice Books provide activities  and worksheets for additional skill review, informal paper-and-pencil  assessment, preparation for standardized testing, and differentiated  instruction. These books may be used with any math program  to provide practice with skills targeted for mastery at each grade  level.
The blacklines include the answer keys. Also, each book is indexed by skill so it's easy to find multi-digit addition & subtraction, fractions, decimals, problem solving, etc...

Grade K Skills:  Numbers to 30, comparing and ordering sets, skip  counting, early addition and subtraction, story problems.

Grade 1 Skills:  Numbers to 100 and beyond, number patterns, place  value, facts to 10, money, time, graphing, and problem solving.

Grade 2 Skills:  Numbers to 1,000, skip counting and number patterns,  facts to 18, place value, double-digit computation, money, time, and  problem solving.

Grade 3 Skills:  Numbers to 10,000, multi-digit addition and  subtraction, multiplication and division concepts, fractions, equations,  perimeter, time, money, and problem solving.

Grade 4 Skills:  Multiplication and division facts, multi-digit  addition, subtraction and multiplication, fractions and decimals,  patterns and equations, area and perimeter, data analysis, and problem  solving.

Grade 5 Skills:  Multiplication and division facts, multi-digit  addition, subtraction and multiplication, fractions and decimals,  patterns and equations, area and perimeter, data analysis, and problem  solving.