Stars: ****
Scholastic (2004)
Ages 4-7
The copy of this book that I read is a TD Canada Trust book courtesy of The Canadian Children's Book Centre
Over 500 000 grade one children received a copy of this book through TD Grade One Book Giveaway Program in celebration of TD Canadian Children's Book Week Nov 15-22/08 (it happens every year)
Summary: Every time Nicholas tries to do something - like brush his teeth or ride his bike - someone gives hima book on how to do it right. And he does. But when he's read too many books that tell him what to do, it's time for something new!
I enjoyed the illustrations by Bruno St-Aubin. They are slightly cartoon like, but too cartoon-like either.
The story teach a book fact: Nicholas learns that not all books are nonfiction (although they don't use that word.)
Nicholas is shown attempting a task and then reading a book about the subject before attempting the task again. He does the task correctly and moves on to another task. He has trouble with that one, is given a book, reads it, and does better. He enjoys reading the books, so it's not that he doesn't like books, he just gets sick of how-to books and needs a friend to show him the fiction section.
Links of Interest: Canadian Children's Book Centre, TD Canadian Children's Book Week, Too Many Books at Scholastic,
Other Reviews: NONE YET
Buy Too Many Books

Stars: ****
Walker Books (2010) - part of Bloomsbury
Picture Book
illustrations Kevin O'Malley
This is a story about a school that is participating in an Everybody Reads in America program to get everyone reading. If the school reads 1000 books by June 12 the principal will dye his hair purple and sleep on the roof of the school. But one student doesn't like books. He can read just fine but doesn't see the point. The teacher does her best to help the students find a book they'll like and is able to find something for everyone except this boy. Every month he tries a new kind of book but he doesn't like any of them. Finally in June Miss Malarkey give the boy a book she is sure he will like. Does he? I'm not telling!
The story was great and the illustrations are cute. They are cartoon like, but still fairly detailed. I love the shadowing. Also each month while he's talking about the book he tried, it shows something in the picture about the holiday or season normally celebrated that month. E.g. bulletin board decorated for holiday or homework sheet on his desk with monthly theme etc....
It would have been nice if it wasn't USA specific since I'm Canadian but that's okay.. I think this would be a good book for a reluctant reader to remind them that there IS a book out there for them and they just have to keep trying to find the right one.
Links of Interest: NONE YET
Other Reviews: Crazy4KidsBooks,
Buy Miss Malarkey Leaves No Reader Behind