This was one of my picks for Freedom to Read Week. For some reason I was thinking both my books were challenged because of Lesbianism but I was wrong. I was close though. Here's the offical listing on the Freedom to Read Website:
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. Outrageously Alice.
2000—A patron of the Toronto Public Library complained about this novel for young
readers about a 13-year-old girl growing up and learning about sex.
Cause of objection—Saying it was inappropriate for children, the library patron said that
the book should be shelved in a “mature section” or children should be denied access to
the book.
Update—The library retained the book in the children’s collection.
So what did I think?
I like Phyllis Reynolds Naylor's books for children. The few I've read have been great. This book (a part of a series about Alice) is a good example of what a 13-year-old girl is growing through. Even thirteen years later I can remember feeling and acting some of the way Alice does.
As for mentioning sex, yes it does a few times. However, what 13-year-old girl doesn't think about sex? At that age they are so confused and they get incorrect or confusing information from others. Some of it was funny too. An older friend mentions the missionary position and Alice is confused as to what missionaries have to do with sex. She thinks they are some sort of sex therapist that goes to other countries.
The book however is in the Juvenile section. Maybe it should be in the teen section. I've been thinking lately maybe the library needs a Young Teen and Older Teen section so that those teen books that have lots of mature themes could be in the older teen section but older teens could still read from the younger teen section of course. I don't know. Oh well, that's for another post.
Links of Interest: The Official Alice Blog,
Other Reviews: NONE YET
Buy Outrageously Alice
*This book came from the library