Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy Birthday To You! The Mystery Behind the Most Famous Song in the World by Margot Theis Raven

Stars: ***1/2

Paintings by Christ Soentpiet
Sleeping Bear Press (2008)
Children's Nonfiction

 This is the story of how the"Happy Birthday To You" song came to be. I thought this would make a good read.

It explains how the original artist wasn't credited for quite a while and the tune was originally used for other songs, like a good morning song for school.

Christ Soentpiet did the illustrations which are beautiful paintings that are quite life like. I found myself visualizing the past, and these women in the paintings actually singing the song.

Links of Interest: How to use 'Happy Birthday To You' with students, Margot Theis Raven,

Other Reviews: NONE YET

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* I took this book out of the library.