Tuesday, August 4, 2009

SFRC Clears 22 State Dept/Ambassador-Nominees

On August 04, 22 State Department and Ambassador-Nominees were endorsed by the Committee on Foreign Relations (without printed report). These nominations now go to the Senate for a full vote.

Ertharin Cousin, of Illinois, for the rank ofAmbassador during her tenure of service asU. S. Representative to the United NationsAgencies for Food and Agriculture.

Kerri-Ann Jones, of Maine, to be AssistantSecretary of State for Oceans andInternational Environmental and ScientificAffairs, vice Claudia A. McMurray, resigned.

David Killion, of the District of Columbia, forthe rank of Ambassador during his tenure ofservice as the United States PermanentRepresentative to the United NationsEducational, Scientific, and CulturalOrganization.

Glyn T. Davies, of the District of Columbia, aCareer Member of the Senior ForeignService, Class of Minister-Counselor, to beRepresentative of the United States ofAmerica to the Vienna Office of the UnitedNations, with the rank of Ambassador.

Glyn T. Davies, of the District of Columbia, aCareer Member of the Senior ForeignService, Class of Minister-Counselor, to beRepresentative of the United States ofAmerica to the International Atomic EnergyAgency, with the rank of Ambassador.

Michael Anthony Battle, Sr., of Georgia, to beRepresentative of the United States ofAmerica to the African Union, with the rankand status of Ambassador Extraordinary andPlenipotentiary.

Martha Larzelere Campbell, of Michigan, aCareer Member of the Senior ForeignService, Class of Minister-Counselor, to beAmbassador Extraordinary andPlenipotentiary of the United States ofAmerica to the Republic of the MarshallIslands.

John R. Bass, of New York, a Career Memberof the Senior Foreign Service, Class ofCounselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinaryand Plenipotentiary of the United States ofAmerica to Georgia.

James B. Foley, of New York, a CareerMember of the Senior Foreign Service, Classof Minister-Counselor, to be AmbassadorExtraordinary and Plenipotentiary of theUnited States of America to the Republic ofCroatia.

Kenneth E. Gross, Jr., of Virginia, a CareerMember of the Senior Foreign Service, Classof Counselor, to be AmbassadorExtraordinary and Plenipotentiary of theUnited States of America to the Republic ofTajikistan.

Teddy Bernard Taylor, of Maryland, a CareerMember of the Senior Foreign Service, Classof Minister-Counselor, to be AmbassadorExtraordinary and Plenipotentiary of theUnited States of America to Papua NewGuinea, and to serve concurrently andwithout additional compensation asAmbassador Extraordinary andPlenipotentiary of the United States ofAmerica to the Solomon Islands andAmbassador Extraordinary andPlenipotentiary of the United States ofAmerica to the Republic of Vanuatu.

John Victor Roos, of California, to beAmbassador Extraordinary andPlenipotentiary of the United States ofAmerica to Japan.

Judith Gail Garber, of Virginia, a CareerMember of the Senior Foreign Service, Classof Minister-Counselor to be AmbassadorExtraordinary and Plenipotentiary of theUnited States of America to the Republic ofLatvia.

James Knight, of Alabama, a Career Memberof the Senior Foreign Service, Class ofCounselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinaryand Plenipotentiary of the United States ofAmerica to the Republic of Benin.

Karen Kornbluh, of New York, to beRepresentative of the United States ofAmerica to the Organization for EconomicCooperation and Development, with the rankof Ambassador.

Bruce J. Oreck, of Colorado, to be AmbassadorExtraordinary and Plenipotentiary of theUnited States of America to the Republic ofFinland.

Jon M. Huntsman, Jr., of Utah, to beAmbassador Extraordinary andPlenipotentiary of the United States ofAmerica to the People's Republic of China.

Douglas W. Kmiec, of California, to beAmbassador Extraordinary andPlenipotentiary of the United States ofAmerica to the Republic of Malta.

Jonathan S. Addleton, of Georgia, a CareerMember of the Senior Foreign Service, Classof Career Minister, to be AmbassadorExtraordinary and Plenipotentiary of theUnited States of America to Mongolia.

Matthew Winthrop Barzun, of Kentucky, to beAmbassador Extraordinary andPlenipotentiary of the United States ofAmerica to Sweden.

William Carlton Eacho, III, of Maryland, to beAmbassador Extraordinary andPlenipotentiary of the United States ofAmerica to the Republic of Austria.

Philip D. Murphy, of New Jersey, to beAmbassador Extraordinary andPlenipotentiary of the United States ofAmerica to the Federal Republic of Germany.

Aaron S. Williams, of Virginia, to be Director ofthe Peace Corps, vice Ronald A. Tschetter,resigned.