- How to Manage Twitter - tips by a "true" social media expert http://bit.ly/xNvyw
- A list of social media guidelines by different companies http://firstintheroom.com/s...
- Google Tip: Navigate Items with J and K in Reader, Gmail and Search http://bit.ly/2ddgUq
- Question of the day: @loic asks "Facebook just suggested I should become a friend of my mother in law. Should I?"
- Chicago Tribune (newspaper) plays the game "where is the article?" with a lot of ads surrounding the text on its page.. http://bit.ly/kduHH
- Man Who Listed Occupation As "Robbery" Pleads Guilty http://bit.ly/1ZFC0t - No wonder...
- Photo: Lightswitch Fail http://bit.ly/L0PUZ
- Top 10 Crasher Squirrels [Pics] http://bit.ly/p3udv
Tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. The inclusion of a Twitter update (tweet) is not an endorsement or agreement of any kind. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain.
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