- Study: Brilinta (ticagrelor) prevents heart attacks better than Plavix, the world's second biggest selling drug. Patients with ACS who took Brilinta were 16% less likely than those on Plavix to die from CV causes or suffer a heart attack or stroke. Pradaxa (dabigatran) BID reduced the risk of stroke and systemic embolism in Afib by 34% compared to warfarin. Pradaxa, or dabigatran: no increase in the risk of major bleeding, and there were no signs of liver damage http://bit.ly/18HXsQ
- An Orthopedic Surgeon Shares His Experience with Social Media, Email and How They Benefit His Everyday Clinical Work http://bit.ly/IYqpO
- How to coach children away from unhealthy eating without sowing panic. Study: Father’s projected attention to and remarks about a daughter’s weight may increase her risk of eating disorders http://bit.ly/CBhBZ
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