- Top 20 Most Popular Hospitals on Facebook http://bit.ly/12dW7J
- An unusual cause of chest pain http://bit.ly/r2dRK - Boerhaave’s syndrome
- "UK Doctors condemn website that allows patients to rate and compare hospitals as if they were on a comparison site" http://bit.ly/Mf15n
- NPR: It's Open Season On Florida's Pythons http://bit.ly/An6Hq
- A 2004 article from the NYTimes: "In Trial Work, Edwards Left a Trademark" http://bit.ly/siqyl
- Boston Globe: Hospital CEO leaves a Tony Soprano-like voicemail threating competitor http://bit.ly/tZbHx - Boston Globe: "Primary care doctors are an especially prized commodity" for hospital CEOs http://bit.ly/tZbHx
- 69 = Percentage of prescriptions dispensed in the U.S. for generic drugs. 10-15 = Typical number of years needed to develop a new drug, it costs $1.3 billion per drug. 21 = Number of completely novel drugs (“new molecular entities”) approved by the FDA in 2008. 46 million = Number of Americans whose drinking water supplies contain at least trace amounts of pharmaceuticals http://bit.ly/4U1tJ
- Sleep deprivation can have terrible consequences for doctors in training: http://bit.ly/yOwxz
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