Nairobi, Kenya:
U.S. Citizens Killed
Jesse Nathan Aliganga Jr. (Marine Corps)
Jean Rose Dalizu(Defense)Molly Huckaby Hardy (State)
Kenneth Ray Hobson(Army)Prabhi Guptara Kavaler (State)Arlene Kirk(Defense)Mary Louise Martin (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Ann Michelle O'Connor(State)
Sherry Lynn Olds (Air Force)
Uttamlal T. Shah(State)
Nairobi, Kenya:
Foreign Service Nationals (FSNs) Killed
(All State FSNs unless noted otherwise)
Chrispin W. Bonyo
Lawrence A. Gitau
Hindu O. Idi
Tony Irungu
Geoffrey Kalio
G. Joel Kamau
Lucy N. Karigi
Francis M. Kibe
Joe Kiongo
Dominic Kithuva
Peter K. Macharia
Francis W. Maina
Cecelia Mamboleo
Lydia M. Mayaka
Francis Mbugua Ndungu
Kimeu N. Nganga
Francis Mbogo Njunge
Vincent Nyoike
Francis Olewe Ochilo
Maurice Okach
Edwin A.O. Omori
Lucy G. Onono
Evans K. Onsongo (Dept. of Agriculture)
Eric Onyango
Sellah Caroline Opati
Rachel M. Pussy (USIS)
Farhat M. Sheikh
Phaedra Vrontamitis
Adams T. Wamai (Dept. of Commerce)
Frederick M. Yafes
Moses Namayi (Dept. of Commerce/Contractor)
Josiah Odero Owuor (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Contractor)
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Foreign Service Nationals Killed
Yusuf Shamte Ndange
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania:Foreign Service Nationals (Contractors) Killed
Abdalla Mohamed
Abbas William Mwila
Bakari Nyumhu
Mtendeje Rajabu
Mohamed Mahundi Ramadani
Doto Lukua Ramadhani
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania:Foreign Service National Missing
Saidi Rogath
Nairobi, Kenya: U.S. Citizens Injured
Ellen Bomer(warning: graphic photos)
Dan Briehl
Carol Hawley
Clyde Hirn
Gary Lunnquist
Carolyn Riley
David Robertson
Lydia Sparks
Gary Spiers
Nairobi, Kenya: Contractors Injured
Pauline Abdallah(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Joshua O' Kindo (Guard)
Nairobi, Kenya: Foreign Service Nationals Injured
Caroline W. Gichuru
Michael Kiari Ikonye
Moses M. Kinyua (Foreign Agriculture Service)
Livingstone Madahana
Grace N. Marangu
Gideon Maritim
Lydia N. Mbithi (Foreign Agriculture Service)
Margaret Ndungu
Josiah O. Obat (Voice of America)
Tobias O. Otieno (Foreign Commercial Service)
Mary Ofisi
Jael Adhiambo Oyoo
Josephat K. Wachira (Library of Congress)
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania:U.S. Citizens Injured
Cynthia Kimble
Elizabeth Slater
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania:Foreign Service Nationals Injured
Eddieson Kepesa
Henry Kessy
Evitta Kwimbere
Nafisa Malik
Hosiana Mmbaga
The following individuals are still wanted for their alleged involvement in the bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya, on August 7, 1998.
Check out the list:Most Wanted Terrorists